Howdy Friends ~~ We are having some lovely weather
here at present and there are signs that Spring is on
it’s way. A few blossom trees around and the yellow
wattle trees everywhere.
I hope that as our Winter is leaving us, that the very
hot weather of the Northern Summer is easing up some.
I know it has been very trying for many of you.
<><><> A litle ditty called “Dirty Dishes” <><><>
Thank God for dirty dishes . . . .
They have a story to tell;
And by the stack I have, it seems that
We are living very well.
And whilst people of other countries starve
I haven’t the heart to fuss . . . .
For by this stack of evidence,
God’s awfully good to us !!
<><><> What is a Politician ? <><><>
The politician stands upright and straightens
up his tie and says: “My friends, unless it rains,
the weather will be dry.”
And when this thought into our brains has
percolated through, we common people nod our
heads and loudly cry, “How true !”
The politician looks around, clears his august
throat and says, “The ship will never sink so long
as it’s afloat !”
Wherat we roll our solemn eyes, applaud with
main and might, and slap each other on the back,
while we say, “He’s right !”
roar. He yells, “I say to you, my friends, that two
and two make four !”
And thereupon our doubts dissolve, our fears are
put to rout, and we agree that here’s a man who
knows what he’s about.
<><><> Frightening isn’t it ? <><><>
And another joke from the newspaper.
Noah Webster and his secretary were spending
a great deal of time together working on the
latest Webster’s Dictionary.
After one very long tiring day, Noah suggested
to his attractive young secreyary, that they take
a break and rest on he lounge.
Noah, grateful for his secretary’s hard work,
slipped an arm around her waist and planted a little
kiss on her cheek.
Just then the door opened and there stood Mrs.
Webster. “Why Noah,” she exclaimed, I am
“No Martha,” Noah responded, “ You are astonished.
We are surprised.”
<><><> THE PLANE <><><>
A plane leaves Los Angeles airport under the control
of a Jewish captain. His co-pilot is Chinese. It is the
first time they have flown together and an awkward
silence between the two seems to indicate a
mutual dislike.
Once they reach cruising altitude, the Jewish captain
activates the auto pilot, leans back in his seat, and
mutters, “I don’t like Chinese”
“No rike Chinese?” asks the co-pilot, “why not?”
“You people bombed Pearl Harbor, that’s why !”
“No, No,” the co-pilot protests, “Chinese not bomb
Pearl Harbor. That was Japanese, not Chinese.”
“Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese. . . doesn’t matter
You’re all the same.”
There is a few minutes of silence. “No rike Jews !”
the co-pilot suddenly announces.
“Why not ?” asks the captain.
“Jews sink the Titanic,” the co-pilot responds.
“Jews didn’t sink the Titanic !” exclaims the captain.
“It was an iceberg !”
“Iceberg, Goldberg, Greenberg, Rosenberg, no
matter . . . . all same !”
Finally a few thoughts . . . .
You are only here for a short visit. Don’t hurry.
Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowes along
the way. – Walter Hagen – American golfer.
What lies behind us, and what lies before us are tiny
matters, compared to what lies within us.
--Ralph Waldo Emerson.
God does not ask about your ability.
He asks about your availability. Anonymous.
If you can walk
You can dance.
If you can talk
You can sing. Traditional Zimbabwe.
Achieving starts with believing. Anon.
Bye for now, Take care of each other, Merle.
Timely inclusion of the politician as we are being bombarded with political crap for a state election on Sept 9th.
my favorite today was the Noah!!!
Have a great spring day Merle!!!
Good post.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from da Raggedy one
My favorite of today was the one about the politician!
:) So true too!!
Hi, Merle, and by all means, you may use the "A Womas's Tears" quote on my blog. I don't have ownership of it and I borrowed it from another blogging friend, much like you are about to do.
Have a great week, my friend. :-)
Fun reading as usual...I love the way you put jokes as well as sayings and thoughts:-) Gotta love that plane joke!! lol I have a few good ones I've received and will be sending them on to you...if you want to use them, go ahead:-) Heading out to the birthday party now...have a great day Merle! xoxo
Hi Merle
Great jokes as always and I especially liked the Dirty Dishes Ditty :).
August has been quite cool here compared to July. There are actually some blades of green grass showing in the parks now amongst the brown.
Loved the political poetry.
I too, like the Dirty Dishes poem. I've heard it before, but forgot all about it. There are blessing surrounding us.
You're such a delight!
Have a good day, Merle.
Loved the Noah Webster and also the dirty dishes!
thanks Merle :-)
Love the pollie joke. We have a State election on 09 Sept and maybe I should send that to Beattie and Springborg lol! It's only been a couple of days and already I'm sick of the promises that won't be kept and all the rhetoric that means sweet b...... all!
There, that's my beef for the day.
Thanks for the jokes, dear Merle, they more than make up for politicians.
Take care
Hugs oxox
Hi Merle,
Always a pleasure to read your blog, you always have some gems of wisdom to impart or a joke or two and my favorite this time was the politican.
Later Janice~
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